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SD27 students celebrate Pink Shirt Day across the Cariboo

Pink shirts were worn by teachers and students in multiple different schools
Nesika Elementary School students were happy to participate in Pink Shirt Day Wednesday. (Photo submitted)

Students and teachers across School District 27 wore pink on Wednesday, Feb. 26 for Pink Shirt Day to stand as a community against bullying.

Originating in Nova Scotia, Pink Shirt Day or Anti-Bullying Day is marked by students, children and educators across Canada and the globe as a way to raise awareness about bullying. In the Cariboo students and teachers from all grade levels answered that call this year turning their school hallways into streams of pink.

At Lake City Secondary Columneetza Campus, leadership teacher Ryan Hanley said the event provides students a way to stand up to bullies without directly confronting them face to face, something he feels a lot of us finds difficult to do.

“I think every school has its issues with bullying, they have kids in it who feel they are misunderstood or targeted,” Hanley said, adding Pink Shirt Day allows these children to identify possible allies amongst their classmates.

Read More: Province promotes ‘lifting each other up’ on 13th annual Pink Shirt Day

Hanley said it’s good to ensure all students know that they all have the right to feel safe when they come to school and that education is a universal right for everyone. He was particularly happy with the day’s theme this year, Lift Each Other Up, which he and his leadership students used as inspiration for a series of announcements and presentations to the school.

Meanwhile, just down the road at Nesika Elementary School, teachers and students participated in a school assembly about Pink Shirt Day.

There, students wore their pink shirts and talked about anti-bullying, steps in how to deal with a conflict with someone and the many ways one can show kindness to others. A few classes went for a kindness walk in the afternoon, holding posters created with messages of kindness.

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Students at GROW Centre, including Skyline and Distance Education and staff, show their support for Pink Shirt Day Wednesday. (Photo submitted)
Pink Shirt Day is being celebrated across Canada and SD27 today like this Grade 2 class at Marie Sharpe Elementary School who were joined by their principal Kristina Beaulne. (Patrick Davies photo - Williams Lake Tribune)
At Marie Sharpe Elementary School resource and learning support teacher Jenn Reedman (from left) wore pink along with Grade One students Rebecca Shaw, JT Russel and Dayton Petryshen during class on Pink Shirt Day. (Patrick Davies photo - Williams Lake Tribune)
Around a third of the student body and teachers of Lake City Secondary Columneetza Campus wore pink on Wednesday, Feb. 26 to speak out against bullying. (Patrick Davies photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Patrick Davies

About the Author: Patrick Davies

An avid lover of theatre, media, and the arts in all its forms, I've enjoyed building my professional reputation in 100 Mile House.
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